Labirinto d’Acque 2018

da | Gen 23, 2018 | News

The first edition of the Labirinto d’Acque 2018 International Conference will be held at the Labyrinth of Franco Maria Ricci on the occasion of the UN-Water WWD celebrations (21st – 24th of March)

Labirinto d’Acque 2018 is a networking conference on the efficient conservation, protection, development, planning, management and use of water.


Updates on, www.unipr.itpresentation


All those who work for water innovation are invited to showcase latest research and practice and management solutions.

The Conference is a no-profit event that includes:

– high-level symposium on the state and future prospects of water resources;

– oral session on innovation and water efficiency;

– whole-day exhibit run by participants.


Full circular due on January 26, 2018

Info on the Conference

University of Parma

tel +39 0521 906550



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